Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Back to our roots

     Well I was thinking of my roots, I have to say mine are like the mangroves. It's seems to be a jumbled mess of wriggling directionless roots. But under close inspection it works and works well. There are twists and turns and changes yet sameness. It is stable and it's deep enough to sustain and keep a tight healthy mass. It grows break neck speed. And stays close.
     So from a tiny seed this family has become this massive mangrove. Our siblings, and new additions. We will be strong and we will prosper. They wee ones will benefit from the lessons learned for the lean years. We hug trees and do our best to save the planet one small change at a time . We simplify keep our feet planted firmly. Never waver on the BIG stuff. The family stays the course. It all comes together. We all come together. What a grand life. No promises no pledges.. Except one.. Unconditional love forever AMEN! 


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